Escape in Music

Escape comes in many diffrent forms, music is a major one. However it isn‘t always easy to  be understood for your passions or not to get judged for who you are and why you like what you like.

Music now-a-days is an escape for a lot of people around the world because of its relatable lyrics and story lines. A lot of celebrities write personal lyrics about their life experiences, hoping that someone can relate to the message of the song.

A lot of creative people go through so much to get to where they are right now, and in a generation where creativity is portrayed to be a crime, most creative people tend to find their escape in other peoples words and souls. Musicians usually put everything they have got into song writing. .

Music tends to be a whole new reality for the listner, it takes them to a safe place, a place where the monsters of the real world can‘t find them. When listening you tend you look for songs that can match your current state, this way you can either share this emotion or keep it lasting for as long as possible. 

Another form of a musical escape is playing instruments. When playing you feel yourself transporting into a new world where nothing is wrong and a world where you can be happy with no one asking why. Or you feel like the world is wrong but as long as you can keep playing, everything doesn‘t have to be right. When playing you should feel as if the instrument is a vital organ in your body like your heart or brain, you should feel as if you can‘t live without in your life. Your instrument should feel like your lungs, and when you play it should feel like you can finally breathe after being suffocated when not playing.

A lot of people get criticized for their passion for music, but when a person says they want to be a lawyer or doctor every person on the planet is happy for them and congradulating them for making „ the right desicion to a great path“. However, when a person want to persue a career in music, people usually assume it´s because it pays well or because of the fame, in reality these people need to do something that makes them feel human; it´s the same reason a person chooses to be an artist or writer or poet, because feeling emotions and displaying them for the world is the only thing that makes them feel like they have a reason for living when the entire world wants us to hate our souls, our minds.

In a world where using your mind for anything creative is a crime, we constantly hide our creativity and desires to live. You can‘t really escape this world´s constant efforts to hurt you, so you find an escape, and then you keep it to yourself until you can break free and show the world that it didnt break you, even though it tried really hard to.

Sally Schamat ist 15 Jahre alt und Schülerin der AHS Kandlgasse 39.

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