Die neuen Tablets - es ist angerichtet!

25. Oktober 2012

Biber-Technik checkt für Dich, welche der vielen neuen Tablet-Computer wirklich scharf sind.

Wer bei dem Wort „Tablet “ an eine Platte zum Servieren denkt, möge
bitte in die Zeitmaschine steigen und im 21. Jahrhundert ankommen.
Tablet-Computer  sind flache Computer, die mit einem
berührungsempfindlichen  Bildschirm bedient werden und  ohne
ausklappbare Tastatur auskommen. Der Markt für Tablet-PCs wächst rasant,
und wir befinden uns offiziell  in der „Post-PC-Ära“. Deshalb haben alle
großen IT-Firmen (Apple, Google, Microsoft) in den letzten Wochen
neue Modelle vorgestellt. Biber gibt Dir eine Übersicht im schnelldurchlauf.

Microsoft Surface mit Windows 8 RT: New kid on the block

Das „Microsoft Surface “ ist eine Mischung zwischen Laptop und Tablet .
Besonderheit ist eine mitgelieferte, abnehmbare Tastatur, die
gleichzeitig als Schutzabdeckung dient. Somit kann man schnell
zwischendurch einen Text tippen, hat aber auch die Vielseitigkeit eines
Tablets. Das Surface kommt mit dem für Tablets optimierten, neuen
Betriebssystem „Windows 8 RT“ (Achtung: Programme aus anderen
Windows-Versionen laufen nicht!). In Deutschland schon um 479
€ mit 32 GB Speicher erhältlich, Österreich-Start ist unklar.

Apple iPad: Der Platzhirsch

Das Apple „iPad“  gilt als Messlatte im Bereich Tablet-Computer. Mit 10“
großem Bildschirm galt das iPad bisher als etwas unhandlich. Der nun
vorgestellte kleine Bruder, das „iPad mini“, ist mit einer
Bildschirmdiagonale von 7,9“ nicht nur handlicher, sondern hält auch
länger durch. Die Akku-Laufzeit wurde erhöht, und es hat die gleiche
Ausstattung, wie das „große“ iPad. In Zukunft werden sich alle 7“
Tablets mit dem iPad mini messen müssen. Die günstigste Version mit 16
GB Version kostet 329 € und ist bereits in Österreich zu erwerben. Wer
unterwegs im 3G Netz surfen möchte, ist mit 459 € dabei.

Nexus 7: Android-Power

Das Nexus 7 ist das erste Tablet direkt von Google. Seit Anfang Oktober
auch ist es auch in Österreich erhältlich. Das Nexus 7 ist von der
verbauten Hardware und der Qualität sehr vielen anderen Android-Geräten
überlegen, und hat auch die aktuellste Android-Version laufen. Bemängelt
wird von der Fachpresse der fehlende Speicherkarten-Einschub sowie das
nicht vorhandene UMTS-Modem für den mobilen Datenverkehr. Ein Update,
dass diese Schwachstellen beseitigt, ist in Arbeit. Die günstige Version
mit 16 GB ist für 249 € zu erstehen.




also ich hab mein tab von medion und bin urrr happy :)


before weather events, check how to use the method works, it may be useful Jordan 11 Bred , to study how it works with something more familiar, like the the height of the American male Michael Kors Totes . How can we show whether the number of extremely lanky men are increasing as time went by it This may also be done by to take a representative sample of men and review of the normal distribution of the graph Cheap Lebron 10 . We might find the average, and μ, and then repeat the process each of a 10 years to see how the average change over time Cheap Bred 11s . An increase in average height may indicate that there will be more the extremely lanky men, but this is rather than complete the story. Another one needs to be considered is the information, variance, or how widely the height (men) due to about average varies. The variance is generally measurable by a standard deviation, Lebron 10 Shoes and it can be easily calculated, in order to calculate the average of the measured values do Jordan Retro 4 . A graph of the normal distribution is shown in the right. The normal means that the data has been obtained from the number of the division of the total number of men in the sample, so that the area under entire curve represents Michael Kors Tote . That feature is very useful feature, used for the height of the comparison, and it also allows us to a region associated with a probability for under the curve. The average height of μ on the graph, is 510 , and the standard deviation, , is 3 inches. Source falls from the 2 standard deviation of about 95 of the sample rate of the mean, which also said that the probability is 95, and a man randomly selected in between would fall of 163cm - 54 and 193cm - 64 of Jordan 4 thunder 2012 . those more than 2 from the mean, or 193cm - 64 , make up 2 of the sample left and right, and is considered to be very tall. Last, those of an average of more than 3 from more than 201cm - 67 , is considered to be extremely Michael Kors Python Tote , and make up only 0.15 of Michael Jordan and a host of other countries and the Basketball Association players belong to the the 3 category. How it is possible to tell whether the incidence of extremely lanky men is increasing The method of one of the in order to take a collection of every 10 years, the height data, the drawing of the normal distribution, and see how the area out past the 3 variation chart We can not only tell whether there were more extremely lanky men, but we are able to calculate the probability to find an extremely tall the mans change what Only by comparing on the graphic area. Weather events. Sufficient data and computing capacity is now available for many decades in order to calculate the normal of the temperature of the distribution of the data, and every 10 yearsJordan 4 thunder . Having the temperature data from the decade of the normal distribution can be used to find the probability of whether or not the extreme temperature is increased or decreased. From about 1950, the Earths temperature is fairly stable in  Michael Kors Python Handbag , making it a convenient of the standards used to compare changes. The graph will be Breds 11 , rather than using temperature, and used for measurement, the above or below average, how far a temperature reading of the temperature is abnormal. This program is in a similar high level description of the men used to review. : Et al JOURNAL Lebron 10 Christmas . (Hansen), the data of the use of the temperature of the earth, to the decade from 1950 to the present temperature of the earth abnormality normal graph of distribution. They found that the distribution of the abnormal temperature approximation of a normal distribution of. Of the work: The results show that began in about 1970 at this time, the average began to move to the right toward higher temperatures for the summer months Bred 11s . Greatly increased, the increase in time it can also be seen that the variance of the data Retro 4 Thunder , and shifted went to the right side of the list shows, the probability of extreme temperature from 1950 to 2011. It can, it can be seen that the number of extreme temperature, out past the 3 (mean 3), almost in the 1950s that does not exist, the already grown significantly larger in the decade after 1980. A similar graph, using as the last one of the 30 of the year of the sentence points (Figure not shown a) of Michael Kors Bedford , found that the probability of the past three sigma temperature of 10 times, as great of the, as 1980s to 2010 Nike Lebron 10 . It should also be able to note, in the side of the left of the graph flattens, but the probability is extremely cool temperatures not zero. Although the heat of the temperature becomes more likely, that he considers the possibility is still a significantly cooler temperature. Climate skeptics often argue that a very cold weather events refute the global nature of the climate warming. The normal distribution by the winter months of the decade to be given at the right in the. The figure shows the average of the winter temperature has increased significantly during the past 30 years of data, and the variance in temperature has become greater as time progressed. However, in the side of the left of the graph shown there is still a significant of the extremely cold weather, even if the probability of global warming is occurring. This means, the argument of the skeptics, this allegation is unfoundeds. Sometimes it is also argued that the extreme of snowfall refute global climate warming, but this is a baseless parameters. Extremely cold air can hold little children moisture, and it is warmer the air, slightly below freezing Michael Kors Handbags Outlet , the snow that can produce the largest amount. Iniut know, a warm spell brought over one of the the greater the chance of snow. So there we have it. Climate physics forecasts, extreme weather, global warming should lead to more of the incidence. Climate model to find, global warming, increased rainfall and storms more possible. straightforward temperature data statistical analysis not only that Michael Kors Bedford Tote, is more likely to the extreme temperatures, but the climate has allowed scientists to calculate how global warming will impact the probability of extreme temperatures. clear linkage between global warming and the extremes of the weather has been Michael Kors Outlet Store . Established in this study.

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