PR für den Islam

09. Oktober 2012

Seit einer Woche hängen in Wiener Straßenbahnstationen Plakate mit Zitaten vom Propheten Mohammed. Diese Plakate sind Teil der Kampagne der Islamischen Föderation und sollen die gesellschaftliche Solidarität der Religionen fördern. Heuer ist die Aktion, die jährlich stattfindet, eine Reaktion auf das sogenannte „Mohammed-Video“, das für weltweite Empörung unter Muslimen gesorgt hat. Auf den Plakaten steht das Hadith (Überlieferung): „Dein Lächeln, eine Wohltat“.

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Plakat auf der Straße



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Robbie burns definition of Robbie burns in the Free Online EncyclopediaBurns, Robert Born Jan. 25, 1759, in the village of Alloway, near the town of Ayr, Scotland; died July 21, 1796, in Dumfries. tiffany blue nikes Scottish poet.Burns was born into a poor peasant family. All his life he struggled with extreme poverty. He began to write poetry at the age of 15. Burns combined his poetic work with work on the farm, and later with his duties tiffany blue nikes as tiffany blue nikes an excise official (from 1789). The satirical poems Twa Herds (1784) and Willie Prayer (1785) were widely circulated in nike tiffany blue nike free run tiffany blue manuscript and strengthened Burns reputation as a freethinker. His first book, Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (1786; 2nd ed., 1787; 3rd ed., in 2 vols., 1793), immediately brought widespread fame to the poet. Burns prepared Scottish songs for the Edinburgh nike free run tiffany blue publication The Scots Musical Museum (published by J. Johnson) and the Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs (published by G. Thomson).Burns welcomed the Great French Revolution (the poem Tree of Liberty and others) as well as the upsurge in the revolutionary democratic movement in Scotland and England. On the basis of folklore and old Scottish literature (A. Ramsay and R. Fergusson), Burns, who had assimilated the progressive ideas of the Enlightenment, created an original form of poetry that was modern in spirit and content. Burns work ( There for Honest Poverty and others) asserted the personal worth of man, which the poet placed above titles and wealth. His poems in praise of labor, creativity, merriment, liberty, and unselfish, self sacrificing love and friendship coexist with satire; humor, tenderness, and heartiness are intermixed with irony and sarcasm in his poetry. Burns poems are characterized by simplicity nike free run tiffany blue of expression, an emotional quality, and an inner dramatic quality that is often shown in the composition of the poem (The Jolly Beggars and others).Many songs by Burns have been set to music and are still performed. Burns nike free tiffany blue poems have been translated into many of the world languages. In Russia during the 19th century they were translated by 1.1. Kozlov and M. L. Mikhailov; in the USSR, by E. G. Bagritskii, T. L. Shchepkina Kupernik, and others. The translations by S. Ia. Marshak are especially popular.WORKSPoems and tiffany blue nikes Songs. Edited by J. Barke. 1 Edited by J. de Lancey Ferguson. Marshaka: Izbrannoe, books 1 Moscow, 1963.REFERENCESIstoriia angliiskoi literatury, vol. 1, issue 2. nike free run tiffany blue A. russkikh perevodakh. Uch. zap. Leningradskogo pedagogicheskogo in ta im. A. I. Gertsena, 1939, vol. R. Berns. Robert Berns, 3rd ed. st.]. Robert Burns. The Burns Encyclopaedia. Complete Glossary to the Poetry and Prose of Robert Burns. W. A Bibliography of R. Burns. Carbondale (III.), [1965].


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