Kennen Sie diesen Mann?

02. September 2011

Erstmals in der Geschichte leistet sich Österreichs Regierung eine eigene Stelle für Integration. Seit etwas mehr als 100 Tagen ist der 25-jährige Sebastian Kurz Chef-Integrator. Seine Forderungen sind ambitioniert: Deutschsprachige Moscheen, gesündere Zuwanderer, ein weiteres verpflichtendes Kindergartenjahr. Und am wichtigsten:
Leistung, Leistung, Leistung.
Aber was war bis jetzt seine Leistung? Kennen die Migranten ihn überhaupt? Hat auch er sich in den Bezirken der Zuwanderer integriert und kommen seine Botschaften dort an? Eine erste Bilanz aus 25 Stimmen.













Kenan Güngör



Den Vorwurf, dass Kurz zu jung und unerfahren ist, und dass es unklug ist, junge PolitikerInnen mit Potenzial unvorbereitet in reißende Politgewässer springen zu lassen, kann man der ÖVP (aber auch anderen Parteien)  nicht ersparen. Die Überforderung lässt junge Politiker und Politikerinnen schnell alt aussehen.  Sebastian Kurz scheint bis jetzt aber eher die Ausnahme als die Regel zu bestätigen.






Über großes Wissen in Integrationsfragen verfügte Sebastian Kurz bei Amtsantritt nicht – dennoch musste er zu einem
der heikelsten Themen der Politik – Integration und Migration – vom ersten Tag an Antworten und Konzepte liefern.
Schonfrist gab es keine – es hagelte Kritik von allen Seiten. Über seine bemerkenswerte Lern- und Aneignungsfähigkeit
sowie ein politisch-kommunikatives Gespür und Können konnte er das negative Bild in einen Achtungskredit umwandeln.

Die Herkulesaufgabe
Ob er es damit auch schaffen wird, einen Wandel weg von einer populistisch-ausgrenzenden Integrationsdebatte in einen sachlichen Diskurs zu schaffen, bleibt die Herkulesaufgabe schlechthin. Dies kann er jedoch nur über ein klares zukunftsorientiertes Leadership, und einer breiten Kooperation mit Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, NGOs etc. Hier ist es wichtig, dass er der vorherrschenden Misstrauenskultur und „organisierten Unverantwortlichkeit“,  eine neue sachbezogene Kooperationskultur entgegenhält. Sein bisheriges parteiübergreifendes Agieren und sein offener Zugang  zur einheimischen und zugewanderten Bevölkerung halte ich für den richtigen Weg.

Hier könnte seine Jugendlichkeit vom Nachteil sogar zum Vorteil werden, indem er den alten Zöpfen und Verkrampfungen mit unvoreingenommener Offenheit frischen Wind sowie etwas mehr Lust in der Sache einhauchen könnte.

Integration durch Leistung und RESPEKT!
Mit seinem Leitslogan „Integration durch Leistung“ wollte Kurz die bürgerlich-konservative Mitte einerseits ansprechen und andererseits aufzuzeigen, dass es nicht auf die Herkunft ankommt, sondern auf das, was Menschen leisten und geleistet haben. Kein schlechter Schachzug – doch es fehlt ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt: Es ist der gegenseitige RESPEKT, was in der Integrationsdebatte der letzten Jahren zunehmend ausgehöhlt wurde, und Integration ohne Respekt funktioniert nicht. Aus diesem Grunde sollte der Leitslogan um die Respektdimension erweitert werden.

Jenseits von Hui und Pfui !
Dabei ist es wichtig, dass er jenseits von „Pfui, alles nur schlecht“ und „Hurra, alles nur toll“ einerseits für die Chancen und Potenziale, die mit der Vielfalt unserer Gesellschaft einhergehen, sichtbar macht. Andererseits aber ein differenziertes Sensorium für die Fragen, Probleme und Anliegen der Alt-Eingesessenen und zugwanderten Bevölkerung entwickelt, ohne diese gegeneinander auszuspielen. Sein bisheriges Auftreten und Anliegen geht in dieser Richtung. Das ist ihm anerkennend anzurechnen.


Kenan Güngör, geb 1969 in Dersim, ist ein bekannter Wiener Sozialwissenschafter. Er gilt
als Experte für Integrations-, Diversitäts- und Steuerungsfragen.




von Anna Thalhammer, Daniel Shaked (Fotos) und Philipp Tomsich (Fotos)




Dazu fällt mir ein Plakat ein, welches ich erst kürzlich gesehen habe ... - share DEINE Bilder


Der Begriff "Leistung" im Zusammenhang mit der Migrationsdebatte hat aus meiner Sicht einen ziemlich bitterer Beigeschmack: Wer nix leistet kann sich gleich wieder heim schleichen; Zwang zum Deutschlernen (gibts ja eh schon); Frühpensionen für MigrantInnen überhaupt streichen; ... - nur so meine ersten assoziationen, aber kann schon sein, dass ich da etwas paranoid bin ;)


Michael B. Jordan

Michael B. Jordan has starred in two of the most significant television dramas of the past decade. First, Michael received critical acclaim for his portrayal of the hard-shelled, softhearted young urbanite "Wallace" in HBO's dramatic hit series "The Wire".

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He then went on to star as the role of quarterback "Vince Howard" on "Friday Night Lights" (NBC). Currently, he can be seen playing a recovered alcoholic "Alex," on NBC's "Parenthood," which will premiere its third season on September 13th, 2011.Graced with the opportunity to begin a professional acting career early in his life, Michael caught the eye of Dr.

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Bill Cosby and was cast in the recurring role of "Michael" for the CBS sitcom series "Cosby" in 1999. Almost simultaneously, he appeared on the HBO series "The Sopranos".

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The following year, he was selected from hundreds of hopefuls, to play "Jamal," in the Paramount Pictures feature film, Hardball starring Keanu Reeves.In 2003, Michael became the youngest African American actor to be contracted with the ABC network daytime drama series, "All My Children," in the role of "Reggie," Jackson Montgomery's adopted son.

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Michael later moved to Los Angeles where he soon landed a lead role in the independent film Blackout, starring Melvin Van Peebles, Jeffrey Wright, and Zoe Saldana. In the fall of 2007, Michael was cast to The N network's sitcom "The Assistants." He also appeared in his first feature film when he was cast in Rockmund Dunbar's ensemble "Pastor Brown" which premiered in the American Black Film Festival in the summer of 2009.

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He has had guest appearance roles for "CSI," "Cold Case," "Lie to Me," "Without a Trace" and "Law & Order."In February 2012, Michael will star in 20th Century Fox's feature film Chronicle, a supernatural thriller that follows three Portland teens as they develop incredible powers after exposure to a mysterious substance.

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Additionally, Michael will be seen in George Lucas' "Redtails," the story of the first African American pilots to fly in a combat squadron during WWII aka The Tuskegee Airmen.

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Michael proudly portrays escort fighter pilot, "Maurice 'Bumps' Wilson". The director of the film is Anthony Hemmingway, and it is set for release in the spring of 2012.

Michael has received NAACP Image Award Nominations for "Outstanding Male Actor in a Television Daytime Drama Series" in 2005, 2006 & 2007.He resides in Los Angeles where he enjoys supporting charities such as Help USA and Lupus LA.

Junior's still Junior: Charming, stubborn and unapologetic

"Ken Griffey Jr. came back to the Mariners' fold on Wednesday, and it was as if he had never left.

In his first public comments since he drove off into the sunset last June — 20 minutes of interrogation while sitting on a table in the press room, a solemn expression on his face most of that time — Griffey was by turns defiant, stubborn and unapologetic. He also had flashes of charm, humor and empathy.

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In other words, the whole Griffey package, the complicated personality mix that has polarized Mariners fans for as long as I can remember.

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If anyone thought nine months of reflection at home in Florida was going to lead him to an epiphany of contrition, then you don't know Griffey.

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In Griffey's mind, his abrupt departure had been forewarned, and doesn't warrant the apology that many fans are seeking.

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"I mean, you want me to apologize for something I felt was right?" he said. "I felt it was right for me to leave. I'm not going to do it. It was not intended to hurt people. It was a decision I made that 15 years ago (to retire without a news conference). It wasn't like it was something you guys hadn't heard before. I mean, you guys have heard it from day one. There are some people that are upset, and there are some people that are not. I can't worry about it. I had to do what I thought was best for me."

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Griffey had an explanation for why he "gave himself a bit of a head start" with his two-day, cross-country drive home, during which he was mostly incommunicado: He was afraid his friends might talk him out of retirement, and he was ready to quit — for the good, Griffey said, of the team.

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He bristled a bit when asked why, if he left without hard feelings, as he said, he hadn't called manager Don Wakamatsu since his retirement.

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"My phone rings," he said pointedly, implying that he was waiting for Wakamatsu to make the first overture.

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And Griffey insisted that he did not regret his decision to return for the 2011 season, even though, in retrospect, his legacy would have been so much cleaner if he had retired after being carried off the field by teammates following the last game of 2012."

Samantha Stosur as ASICS new ambassador

Global sports brand ASICS announced the signing of 2011 US Open tennis champion Samantha Stosur as an ambassador in a multi-year deal commencing January 1, 2012. Stosur, who splits her time in native Australia and has a home in Florida, will commence using ASICS tennis footwear and apparel at the 2012 Brisbane International.

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Renowned as both a singles and doubles player, the big serving Stosur boasts a powerful all court game that makes her a contender on all surfaces. As she prepares for the 2012 Australian Open, Stosur spoke of her partnership with ASICS,”I am really excited to join the ASICS team.

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I’ve actually worn their shoes for a couple of years, so now to be fully kitted out is really exciting for me and I am really looking forward to getting the year started.”

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ASICS Corporation Global President and CEO Motoi Oyama said “We are very proud to add Samantha Stosur to our global marquee Sports Marketing assets. Tennis is one of ASICS Group’s key priority categories in our strategic growth plan to 2015, and we are delighted to have Samantha become our brand ambassador. "

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"She fits perfectly with our company values and our brand’s True Sport positioning. We look forward to helping Stosur excel through our tennis apparel and footwear.”

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“We are so proud to have Samantha Stosur as a brand ambassador for the tennis category. She truly embodies the ASICS spirit and principles that the company was founded on. We look forward to seeing her head to toe in ASICS on the court in 2012 and beyond,” said ASICS America Corporation President and CEO, Kevin Wulff.

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Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, meaning “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body,” is an old Latin phrase from which ASICS is derived and the fundamental platform on which the brand still stands.

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The company was founded more than 60 years ago by Kihachiro Onitsuka and is now a leading designer and manufacturer of running shoes, as well as, other athletic footwear, apparel and accessories.

ASICS’ apparel will be a part of Honda LA Marathon

ASICS America Corporation is proud to announce its partnership with the Honda LA Marathon as the official apparel and footwear sponsor. This will be ASICS’ first sponsorship of the iconic “Stadium to the Sea” race that will take place Sunday, March 18, 2012.

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This marks yet another ASICS’ sponsorship of a major marathon worldwide, including the ING New York City Marathon, Tokyo Marathon and Paris Marathon.

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The Honda LA Marathon is one of the four largest marathons in the U.S. and one of the ten largest worldwide.

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The “Stadium to the Sea” course runs through four cities – Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica – and the federal VA property, taking runners past a highlight reel of sites starting at Dodger Stadium and including landmarks such as Grauman’s Chinese Theater (mile 11.5), Sunset Strip (mile 14), Rodeo Drive (mile 17) and finishing at the Santa Monica Pier.

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“We are extremely proud that ASICS has added the Honda LA Marathon to its world-class stable of races around the globe, including Tokyo, Paris and New York,” says Nick Curl, Chief Operating Officer of the LA MARATHON LLC.

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“ASICS is a premier company with a tremendous track record in the running community. We look forward to working in partnership with ASICS in the coming years to take the Honda LA Marathon to even greater heights.”

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As the official apparel and footwear sponsor, ASICS has the opportunity to promote the partnership nationally and locally with media, as well as manufacture and sell co-branded licensed marathon merchandise. In addition, ASICS will integrate its activation marketing campaign into race week festivities.

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“We are excited to be part of this growing race,” says ASICS Vice President of Marketing, Erik Forsell. “The landscape of a city like Los Angeles will allow us to expand and demonstrate our marketing efforts like we do in New York and enable us to partner with the biggest marathons on the east and west coasts.”

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The “Stadium to the Sea” course debuted in 2010 with a record total of more than 26,000 participants. In 2011, Ethiopia’s Markos Geneti shattered the course record by nearly two minutes, with a world-class time of 2:06:35.

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We inspire athletes and connect communities. With thousands of volunteers, tens of thousands of participants, and hundreds of thousands of spectators, the Honda LA Marathon is one of the largest organized road races in the country.

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Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, meaning “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body,” is an old Latin phrase from which ASICS is derived and the fundamental platform on which the brand still stands.

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The company was founded more than 60 years ago by KihachiroOnitsuka and is now a leading designer and manufacturer of running shoes, as well as, other athletic footwear, apparel and accessories.

adidas F50 adiZero Messi Copa América Colorway

There is little room for debate that Lionel Messi of FC Barcelona, and the Argentina national team, is one of, if not the best player in the history of the game. Outside of his famous footwork on the pitch, he’s also been the face of adidas Soccer, wearing some of the most sought after soccer cleats to be created in recent years.

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With the upcoming Copa América tournament being hosted by Argentina, adidas and Messi will be once again bringing out a creative version of the F50 adiZero.

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The Electricity based colorway, that is accented by Infrared and Sharp Purple Anodized details, is sure to stand out on the field as Messi looks to lead the Argentinian team in front of his home crowd to their 15th Copa América title, and their first since 1993.

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Also on the line, is bragging rights, as their neighboring competitors from Uruguay also have 14 Copa América titles. Although Messi and Argentina are one of the clear favorites, the competition is sure to be tough.

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Although the tournament won’t begin until July 2nd, you can pre-order the Electricity colorway of the adidas F50 adiZero that Leo Messi will wear, along with other new colorways now.

adidas Introduces adiPower Predator Soccer Boot

Last week, the adidas Soccer team invaded East London, where they officially introduced the next generation of their flagship boot – the adiPower Predator. Created to answer the demands of modern football, the 2011 version of the Predator makes use of the latest and greatest of adidas’ performance technology, geared toward making the boot perfect for ball control.

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The adiPower is equipped with a re-engineered technology called the “Predator Element,” which is aimed specifically at enhancing ball control. Featuring on the medial side of the boot, the “Predator Element” is an injected silicon-rubber component that increases spin when striking the ball. The further enhancement of the Predator? element makes the adipower Predator? the most accurate Predator? ever produced.

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Also integrated into the boot is adidas’ revolutionary SPRINTFRAME outsole tooling, which reduces the weight of the Predator by 25%. Additionally, SPRINTFRAME creates stability through geometry, while reducing the number of material layers and the overall weight of the boot.

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Other key features include an Alcantara leather-like soft and comfortable heel lining, Taurus leather for optimum fit, comfort and touch, Traxion outsole configuration for optimum grip and stud pressure distribution and a new hybrid stud configuration – a mix of exchangeable round aluminum studs and molded TPU firm ground studs.

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“There is a new kind of player that requires a new kind of Predator boot. These players are young, confident and have the skill and ability to shape games as they please. With the all-new adiPower Predator featuring technologies like Sprint Frame, Powerspine and a refined Predator element, the game is theirs to own,” said Aubrey Dolan, product manager for the adiPower Predator.

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On hand for the event and participants in the boot’s development included names like Nani (Manchester United FC), Xavi (FC Barcelona), Van Persie (Arsenal FC), Kaká (Real Madrid FC) and Gerrard (Liverpool FC). These are the men that will debut the boot on pitches across the globe in May 2011.

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The new adiPower Predator soccer boot will officially launch worldwide on June 2011 in Sharp Blue/Electricity/Black. However, you can pre-order your pair at

Lionel Messi’s Chameleon Purple adidas F50 adiZero

Very few people can keep up with the speed of Argentina’s Lionel Messi, and even fewer soccer cleats.

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For the World Cup this year, Lionel Messi is wearing the Chameleon Purple colorway of the adidas F50 adiZero.

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The F50 adiZero is the lightest soccer cleat ever made at just under 6 ounces.

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The design team at adidas was able to do this through the combination of new technologies. Sprint Frame technology is used in the inner shell to give the F50 structure and stability for high speeds and fast cutting and directional changes.

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On the outer portion of the upper is where adidas has placed Sprint Skin, a single layer synthetic “second skin” that reduces weight and provides the ultimate in ball control thanks to adidas’ Grip’n Groove technology.

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Although the weight reduction of the upper will make it easier to maintain blazing speed, you’ll need some serious traction to get you up to speed.

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This is where the newly designed Traxion studs from adidas get to do their job. Traxion studs are shaped to provide maximum acceleration and the fastest turning capabilities.

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All of these technologies add up to the only shoe that can keep up with Lionel Messi without slowing him down.

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Messi’s unbelievable combination of quickness and flawless footwork also make him the perfect candidate to wear the bold color changing Chameleon Purple, White and Electricity version of the adidas F50 adiZero.

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Judging by the excitement he has brought to the 2012World Cup thus far, electricity seems like a very fitting color name for a man that seems to electrify crowds with his play.

A Baseball Natural Just Wanted to Be Normal

"His name and his talent forged a destiny for Ken Griffey Jr. He was going to be famous, whether he liked it or not. Yet in many ways, Griffey, who retired on Wednesday after 22 major league seasons, simply wanted to be normal.


The inherent contradiction is part of what made him as fascinating a person as he was a ballplayer.

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And let's make no mistake: from 1989 through 1999, with the Seattle Mariners, Griffey was truly incandescent. He oozed potential and lived up to it.

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The choices his contemporaries made in the steroids era have saddened or angered so many fans, yet Griffey stands apart.

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He was the best of his day, no asterisks needed.

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At this point, a reporter is obligated to note that we can never be sure who was clean. O.K., fine, but with outrageous physical gifts inherited from an All-Star father, Griffey was naturally dominant.

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There was no motivation to cheat; he was not jealous of other stars, like Barry Bonds, or insecure about his place in the game, like Alex Rodriguez."

Griffey classic case of superstar diminishing legacy

" Branch Rickey knew what he was talking about when he said he would rather trade a player a year too soon than a year too late. He wasn't speaking about franchise icons specifically, but that wisdom carries over to the mess the Mariners find themselves in with Ken Griffey griffeys

It's no huge surprise griffeys pride and addiction to the lifestyle allowed him to overstay his ability. The steady decline of his batting average (.277 in 2007, .245 in '08, .214 in '09) exposed his diminishing skills. The Mariners should have saved him from

But because of griffeys popularity and stature, they brought him back while letting their leading home run hitter, Russell Branyan, leave as a free agent.for

Look at them now — last in the American League with 3.4 runs per game, dealing with the ugliness of teammates fingering Griffey for sleeping during a game and faced with the awkwardness of how to handle the Griffey story on a daily basis."to


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